This is our online faimly photo library. Feel free to browse and comment on the pictures.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

An Afternoon at the Pool 6-29-05

Today we spent the afternoon at our local water park. This was the first time I have been able to go and it has been open for a few years now. We had a lot of fun and the best part of it was we did it as a family (a family minus Gabe). We need to do things like this more often, even if it means a little sunburn.

The love of my life, my wife Mary

Izzy having a ball with the various sprinklers and fountains

Elijah had lots of fun today. He is getting so big. Today, he went down the water slides by himself for the first time. Wow, he's not my little baby any more, he's getting so grown up. At least he still wants his old man around for his accomplishments. I only pray that it will always be so.

Elijah enjoying the pool on a hot June afternoon

Izzy had more fun with that cup and those fountains than he did in the pool. He did show lots of interest in the diving boards. That boy has no fear.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Meeting Issac Averey Langley

This past Sunday we were able to meet our new little cousin, Issac Avery Langley. He is the son of proud parents Kelly and Angela Langley. Angela is Mary's cousin. He is a little doll.

Mary holding the little bundle of joy

Isn't he precious. Issac was born

Proud moms Mary and Angela

They look like twins.

Angela holding Gabe.

A trip to a petting zoo 6-17-05

These photos are from a recent trip to a traveling petting zoo that came through town recently. They are about a week old, enjoy.

Cookies, chips, hotdogs, and pop tarts

Elijah and a wallabee

Izzy and Mary feeding a camel

The deer was so cute

Elijah feeding the emu

Can I swing on that?

Give me a hug!!!!

OOOOOOO everyone has a water buffalo mine is fast and yours is slow.....

What are you looking at?

So there's the beef

Dad,can I ride PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Izzy G. on the move

Mary & Izzy feeding the cow

"Just what I need another mouth to feed"

Zebras, & emus, & goats oh my

How does this work?

It was a great day at the peeting zoo. The boys loved seeing and feeding the animals. Izzy spent a lot of his time trying climb in with the animals. All in all it was a fun afternoon.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

elijah & gabe 6-24-05

These are pictures of our oldest son Elijah with our youngest Gabe. They are so cute together!!

I wonder what they are thinking

Gabe, he is so much fun.

Elijah is so silly


I love my little brother

What does this do?

Hi, Dad