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Saturday, July 16, 2005

T-Ball 2005

These are pictures of Elijah's summer adventure in t-ball.

This is Elijah in the car ready for his first game. He was a little nervous, but excited to get on the field.

Elijah practicing before a game.


Elijah playing catcher.

Elijah at Mcdonalds ready to eat after a game.

"Elijah on Deck ..."

Good Game

The Brilliant Coaching Staff

"Can I bat already?"

Elijah with t-ball buddy Dayton Smith

"I got it!"

Look at that form. Elijah practicing before a game.

Elijah enjoying being the center of attention on the pitchers mound.

Aunt Kathy enjoying the game.

Team picture

Matt and Lane enjoying the cool water

Having a little to much fun.

Cora, Elijah's friend from church.

Joel,with his mom and little brother. Joel is another friend from church.

Tony(the best player on the team), Seira, & Sara

Dakota, isn't she sweet.

Jennifer keeping things straight in the dugout.

Keldon, another friend from church.

Sydney, ready to bat.